There is a Calatrava-designed atrium in downtown Toronto. Allen Lambert Galleria, sometimes described as the "crystal cathedral of commerce", is an atrium designed by Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava which connects Bay Street with Sam Pollock Square. The six story high pedestrian thoroughfare is structured by eight freestanding supports on each side of the Galleria

O «Eyes» ye a distancia

As cumpéncias tienen a responsabilidad

Genç güneşin doğum güneşine ait.

Vultures wake up the fragrance of flowers

The breeze wakes the ocean

Kalbim umudu uyandır.

Pestans de pedes amán d'a suavezau

Heartbeat belongs to yearning

Genç deliliğe ait

Aurs clamadas a Fiera

Establir os cambeos nominos d'achuste

Y lo mi nombre ye valido

Even if there's no sun shine in the sky

Kalbim güneşte yaşıyor.

It's sunny everywhere

Even if the future is full of wind and waves

Kalbim kurultor

You can sail without a sail

Even if there's no sun shine in the sky

Kalbim güneşte yaşıyor.

O flowers are still blooming

Mena si l'ideal perde a suya dirección

Kalbim kanatlar

Uçan umutsuz ve karmaşıklık

Pestans de pedes amán d'a suavezau

Heartbeat belongs to yearning

Genç deliliğe ait

Aurs clamadas a Fiera

Establir os cambeos nominos d'achuste

Y lo mi nombre ye valido

Even if there's no sun shine in the sky

Kalbim güneşte yaşıyor.

It's sunny everywhere

Even if the future is full of wind and waves

Kalbim kurultor

You can sail without a sail

Even if there's no sun shine in the sky

Kalbim güneşte yaşıyor.

O flowers are still blooming

Mena si l'ideal perde a suya dirección

Kalbim kanatlar

Trovat despair y confusion

Even if there's no sun shine in the sky

Kalbim güneşte yaşıyor.

It's sunny everywhere

Even if the future is full of wind and waves

Kalbim kurultor

You can sail without a sail

Even if there's no sun shine in the sky

Kalbim güneşte yaşıyor.

O flowers are still blooming

Mena si l'ideal perde a suya dirección

Kalbim kanatlar

Uçan umutsuz ve karmaşıklık

Zhang zhehan

September 11, 1959: On this date in 1959, the George M. Cohan statue was dedicated at Duffy Square in Manhattan, New York. The outdoor bronze sculpture was created by artist Georg John Lober and architect Otto Langman. Cast in 1959, the statue rests on a light Barre granite pedestal, which is set on a dark Barre granite base. George M. Cohan was an entertainer, playwright, composer, lyricist, actor, singer, dancer and producer. Known in the decade before World War I as "the man who owned Broadway", he is considered the father of American musical comedy. His life and music were depicted in the Academy Award-winning film Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942) and the 1968 musical George M!.

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