【中国人权研究会文章:#贫富分化导致美国人权问题日益严重#】美国已经沦为贫富分化最严重的西方国家。有报告显示,美国最富有0.1%的家庭的财富,相当于处于社会最底层的90%的家庭拥有财富的总和。2020年以来,美国政府对新冠肺炎疫情应对不力导致人权灾难,更加剧了经济不平等,底层民众陷入更为艰难的生存困境。While millions of Americans queue up for unemployment benefits during the coronavirus pandemic, the country's billionaires are reaping financial gains from stock markets, a state many experts have warned reflects the worsening income inequality in the world's largest economy. The China Society for Human Rights Studies on Tuesday published an article laying bare the harsh reality of the serious division between the rich and the poor in the United States under the superficial overall prosperity. The wealth of 0.1 percent of the richest U.S. families equals to the sum of wealth owned by the 90 percent of families from the bottom combined, noted the report, citing comments from a UN Special Rapporteur who said the United States has the widest gap between the rich and the poor among all Western countries. The unemployment rates are at their highest levels since the Great Depression, especially among Black, Hispanic and Asian workers (16.8 percent, 17.6 percent and 15 percent in May compared to 12.4 percent for whites). Yet between March 18 and June 17, as the pandemic raged, the combined wealth of the 614 U.S. billionaires increased by 584 billion U.S. dollars, according to an analysis released late last week by the Institute for Policy Studies, a progressive think tank based in Washington, DC. The researchers calculated the billionaires' wealth gains based on real-time data from Forbes. The growing division between the rich and the poor has led the American people into grave human rights disasters, the report pointed out, noting that low-income groups faced with the threat of hunger and their equal opportunities for education are also eroded due to poverty. It further revealed that the U.S. government lacks the political will to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor, stating the nature of "money politics" of the U.S. political system.#中国人权研究会发文揭美国贫富严重分化# For more:https://t.cn/A6yCeXBb

热点快译 | 公交坠湖、美国退出WHO、耿爽履新、歙县高考延期

At least 21 dead after bus falls into reservoir

US notifies World Health Organization of its withdrawal

Shexian county cancels two gaokao tests due to heavy rain

Geng Shuang starts new job as China's deputy envoy to UN

13% museums may never reopen

Nearly 13% of the museums around the world may never reopen due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the UN's cultural agency has warned. 因。。。大流行,全球近13%的博物馆可能永久关闭。

On the occasion of International Museum Day Monday, two studies by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the International Council of Museums said that museums have been especially affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, with nearly 90% of them, or more than 85,000 institutions, having closed their doors for varying lengths of time during the crisis.

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