On the cognition philosophy basis of behaviour economics(28)

An explaination of culture tourism
When we view and admire pyramid,we are experiencing ancient Egpyt culture。You are experiencing the ancient Chinese culture when you walk on great wall.Culture tourism is a kind of tour activity ,in which the tourists or travellers experience some culture deffer from the culture they infiltrated.
There are two kinds cultures other than the culture we infiltrated.One is the cultures populared in past time,such as ancient greece or ancient India culture.Another one is the cultures popular in contemporary era.
Why there are culture tourism?I can give an explaination to this question through using the cognition philosophy theory advanced by myself any way!
The key idea of my cognition philosophy theory is that mankind 's brain operates according to economic principle.In other words,brain runs in order to minimize the information storage space and energy comsumption.
That's to say that brain works to percept outer world according to economic principle.In Kant's frame,there is a congenital percepting frame in our brain which edits the physical stimulations from material autonomy,such as time and space.
The only adjunction to Kant's theory made by me is the economic principle which dominates brain's work.From the view of my cognition philosophy theory,brain runs with the minimum energy consumption and information storage.
In my opinion,mankind 's imagine about outer world are made by mankind consciousness entirely.
when mankind consciousness percepts physical stimulations from material autonomy and forms the imagine of outer world.it is influenced by the environment in which they live.Hence,different culture may be different imagine about outer world of mankind in different environment.
Moreover,mankind 's perception frame evoluts in time.When we view some culture tourism scenic spot ,we are experience the editting process in which mankind in the other culture percepts material autonomy .
when we percept other kind of culture,we percept time and the evolution of mankind perception frame yet.This is the meanning of culture tourism!
Percepting percepting ,is the attractor for mankind to experience some cultures,that's to say,culture tourism! https://t.cn/ROP21ss

#星火英语日签[超话]# 距离四六级考试还有98天~
It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. 
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Be quiet cuz i monopolize the piano room again. Staying-up is happened in 3 hours later. Part of my weekend’s occupied in 3 qualification tests. And another day-off’s used to pig out on myself with my girl pals. It’ll be so great if u can buy me a movie. ’ and I’m so jealousy to those women married Or into someone good. Being passionate and active is what i called #Passionactive# n being devoted with love is what i called #Lovotion#, yeah im a fabulous-vocabulary maker but not a wonderful-relationship builder. Sad , a little bit. Cats , vvvvery alike.究竟什么时候才会有一个人,在后面抱住你,对你说:你以后只嫁给我好不好。醒醒这是甜甜的奢望无奈的痛。

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