【油类记录簿记录指南 】该指南对油类记录簿PartI的记录做了详细的要求和解释,并列举了27个记录范本,这27个记录范本包括:C11残油舱内残油的收集、C12残油舱内残油的处理和转驳、D污水的非自动处理/排放和转驳、E污水的自动处理/排放和转驳、F油水分离器状况、G意外或其他异常的油类排放、H燃油或滑油的加装、I额外的操作程序和日常标注、配有SLOP TANK的油船、其他自愿(非强制)的记录。https://t.cn/AiOQF00F

【甘肃走基层·脱贫攻坚】在甘肃省临夏回族自治州东乡县拱北湾村担任驻村第一书记的吴佰顺,利用难得的空闲时间回到200公里外兰州的家,与两岁半的孩子度过了一个幸福而短暂的午后。#新中国成立70周年# #精准扶贫# #脱贫攻坚# Wu Baishun, secrétaire du Comité du Parti communiste chinois du village de Gongbeiwan dans la province du Gansu, a profité de son temps libre pour rentrer chez lui à Lanzhou, à 200 kilomètres du village, et a passé un après-midi de courte durée mais très agréable avec son fils âgé de deux ans et demi.

Learning English through News
Bill banning parents from physically punishing children to pass Diet
A bill banning parents and other guardians from physically punishing children is set to pass the Japanese parliament during the current session, with the ruling and opposition parties agreeing on some modifications, lawmakers said Friday.

The bill is the same as the original one submitted by the government in that parents and foster parents would be prohibited from physically punishing children as a means of discipline.

But it has been modified so that local governments and child welfare centers will be urged to make efforts to offer guidance to parents who have abused children, based on medical and psychological expertise, to prevent the abuse from happening again.

The ruling and opposition parties jointly submitted the modified bill, which passed the lower house committee on welfare issues on Friday.

The bill is likely to make it through the plenary session of the House of Representatives before it is sent to the House of Councillors for passage during the current parliamentary session scheduled to end next month.

The move to revise the child abuse prevention law and related legislation follows fatal cases of abuse conducted in the name of disciplining children.

In March last year, 5-year-old Yua Funato died in Tokyo's Meguro Ward, leaving desperate pleas for her parents to "forgive" her and stop mistreating her. In January this year, 10-year-old Mia Kurihara died in Chiba Prefecture due to suspected physical abuse by her father, which her mother allegedly failed to stop.

The current child abuse prevention law stipulates that assault and lewd acts constitute abuse. But when it comes to disciplining children, it only says people "shall give due consideration to appropriate exercise" of parental authority.

The planned amendment would also seek to strengthen the ability of child welfare centers to "intervene" in abuse cases by separating staff members in charge of taking children into protective custody from those dealing with their guardians.

While there will be no penalties for offenders under the envisioned legislation, experts on child abuse believe the move will serve as a chance for society to think about what is the appropriate way of disciplining children.

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