Run for an hour in the morning
Ran 9
3 kilometers
Originally planned to run 15 kilometers this morning
Get up early for a cup of coffee
I ate a piece of bread and a banana
After 10 minutes of dynamic stretching
Start running
Five kilometers later
Began to enter a state that I was very obsessed with
That is
Everything around is no longer there
Only breathing
Step into the meditation state rhythmically with breathing.I don't know if this is the state of meditation in the legend.Run through the petrochemical roadRun for an hour in the morning
Ran 9.3 kilometers.Originally planned to run 15 kilometers this morning
Get up early for a cup of coffee
I ate a piece of bread and a banana
After 10 minutes of dynamic stretching
Start running.Five kilometers later
Began to enter a state that I was very obsessed with
That is
Everything around is no longer there
Only breathing
Step into the meditation state rhythmically with breathing.I don't know if this is the state of meditation in the legend.When I ran past the No. 20 bus stop sign on Shihua Road
A sturdy figure suddenly sang: The blue sky and white clouds.The heart rate suddenly reached 160.In the morning after eight o'clock
The sky is still pitch black
Through the street lamp
I saw a black down padded jacket with knees and waist
Black high-heeled boots
Wear a cotton-padded hat on your headShe put one hand in her pocket
While holding a mobile phone in one hand
I followed the mobile phone to karaoke musicThe momentum is like a lead dancer of a square dance.Large size
Even if your state of life has reached the stage of completely freeing yourself
You can't be scary in the dark.Frightened and continued to run
I feel funny when I run
Stop and laugh for a while
Running is no longer in the state at all.After running hastily for an hour
I went home and went to bed after reading a book and fell asleep again.It was noon when I woke up.I slept for so long after returning to the cage
All because of excessive fright.

Post 2

By: Bingjun Du & Xiaocheng Tan

随着中国人到澳大利亚旅游、求学和移民的人数的上升,中国的文化也被更多的澳洲人熟知。近年来,为了让人们对中国的传统节日有更高的参与度,澳大利亚还会推出 一些“多元化活动”。比如,DAVID JONES和MYER等本地商场每年都会推出一些庆祝中国春节的活动及折扣。通过这些可以看出,澳洲人对中国的春节越来越感兴趣。中国春节正成为澳洲的主流节日,就像圣诞节和复活节。不仅仅是中国人,许多拥有不同文化底蕴的人们也会踊跃地参加澳大利亚举办的中国春节活动。

With the increase in the number of Chinese people who travel, study and emigrate to Australia, Chinese culture is also known to more Australians. In recent years, in order to allow people to participate more actively in traditional Chinese festivals, Australia has also held some ‘Diversified Activities’. For example, local shopping malls such as DAVID JONES and MYER will launch some activities and discounts to celebrate the Chinese New Year every year. These phenomena can reflect that Australians are becoming more and more interested in Chinese New Year. The Chinese New Year is becoming a mainstream festival in Australia, just like Christmas and Easter. Not only Chinese people, many people with different cultural backgrounds will also participate actively in the Chinese New Year activities held in Australia.

Those engraved on the back of the chair after the love will not be like the flowers on the cement floor out of the end of life without the wind of the forest.
So many people rush into your life, head broken and bleeding, I was, but now only I fight back, so that you will remember me alone.

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