[心]#为生命呐喊# [心]#因微爱聚合爱#Keeping a kind heart is the source of happiness in life, an eternal feast, and a respected capital. Good is like water, and water benefits everything without dispute. Being hated by all people means being in the Tao. Living in a good place, being good at heart, being kind and benevolent, being good at words, being good at governance, being good at things, and being good at things. Kindness is sometimes a knife, because the sharp edge is inward, so it is not others but oneself that hurt. Blind kindness equals sin. I like this sentence very much: all the surprises and good luck in the world are your accumulated character and kindness

#免费午餐# [玫瑰]#和地球自拍#Kindness is sometimes a knife, because the sharp edge is inward, so it is not others but oneself that hurt. Blind kindness equals sin. Society needs love, and times call for love. The feeling of kindness and love exists in everyone's heart. But what many people lack is the courage to be moved, an action to convey their feelings. To convey emotion is to convey "positive energy". Kindness, good words and good deeds will naturally lead to good deeds. Keep doing it, and you will have good luck. Kindness, good words, good deeds, what kind of reasons, what kind of results, good people deceive, cause and effect do not deceive. Light a heart lamp and persist in being kind. The kindness of one thought is the beginning of all beauty; A thought of evil is the source of all cups and utensils. Good and evil are separated by a sheet of paper. Life is always between good and evil. A little left is good and a little right is evil. There is always a choice in life, and the choice between thoughts determines the joys and sorrows in the future, even the prosperity and desolation of life. It is better to have a good heart than to practice for 100 days. Pepsi takes goodness first, which means creating infinite happiness. Goodness is a kind of beauty, and doing good every day is a kind of eternal beauty. Life is made up of countless little things. If you do every little thing well, you will achieve a perfect life. If everyone keeps good thoughts and can do good every day, then individuals, families and society will be happy and peaceful. In this world, sometimes people laugh at others, sometimes others laugh at themselves, relax, give themselves happiness, and give others happiness. Students throw a piece of paper scraps, which is to create bad karma; We picked up a piece of paper scraps, which is accumulated good deeds.

“势如飞刀,唯秀不破”的HUCK KNIFE
“爆裂火箭,速度攻势”的ULTIMATE RIDE
“返璞归真,随心畅滑”的NO DRAMA
雪季畅滑,纵享雪地。 https://t.cn/A6IYjhtp

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