
You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call 'failure '
is not the falling down, but the staying down.
你在任何时刻都可以选择一个崭新的开始,因为所谓的《失败》并不是倒下,而是留在地上。 https://t.cn/R2Wxuhw

83 Heeley Road, Selly Oak, B29 6EJ - Flat 6
Available Date: 01 Jul 2021
Beds: 1Baths: 1

**This property is inclusive of all bills**
Get in touch today
WhatsApp: 447974295467Email: lettings@househuntltd.co.uk
Company Address: 550 Bristol Road, Selly Road, Birmingham B29 6BD
Website: househuntltd.co.uk
#University of Birmingham# #伯明翰大学#

House Hunt is pleased to present this amazing 1 bedroom student studio. This property boasts ample amounts of space, storage and furnishings. The bedrooms all include a double bed and plenty of storage compartments.

The studio shows off great-quality furniture and a cosy but modern environment that has been laid out with your convenience in mind.

There is also a lovely kitchen which is well equipped with modern appliances and includes plenty of worktop/counter and storage space for meal preparation. Storage won’t be an issue in a kitchen like this; as there are numerous cabinets and drawers for your convenience.

The bathroom in this property is designed with convenience and includes a modern finish. There is also the addition of a sink unit, toilet and shower facilities.

To top it off; the location is a defining feature for this property as it is a short walk from The University Of Birmingham (Just 16 Minutes!) and an even shorter walk to the famous Bristol Road.

Whatever requirements you have House Hunt can cater all types of accommodation to suit your taste – simply contact House Hunt today!

**House Hunt do not charge any administration or agency fees**

- Yes, you read that right – so get in touch with us today!#房子是租的可生活不是# #伯明翰租房[超话]#

Millennium Court, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6ND
#University of Birmingham# #伯明翰大学# #studio#
We have a variety of En/suite and non ensuite rooms available as well as modern studios and 1 bedroom apartments

All available for the 2021 2022 Academic year for University of Birmingham students !

Get in touch today
WhatsApp: 447974295467Email: lettings@househuntltd.co.uk
Company Address: 550 Bristol Road, Selly Road, Birmingham B29 6BD
Website: househuntltd.co.uk

House Hunt are thrilled to present this gorgeous property which boasts a stunning 1 bedroom apartment which is located within the breathtaking Millennium Courts complex. Millennium courts are one of our newer additions and are already becoming some of our fastest-selling student accommodations.

The bedroom includes a double bed and plenty of storage compartments.

The lounge area shows off great-quality furniture and a cosy but modern environment which has been laid out with your convenience in mind.

There is also a lovely kitchen which is well equipped with modern appliances and includes plenty of worktop/counter and storage space for meal preparation. Storage won’t be an issue in a kitchen like this; as there are numerous cabinets and drawers for your convenience.

The bathroom in this property is designed with convenience and includes a modern finish. There is also the addition of a sink unit, toilet and shower facilities.

To top it off; the location is a defining feature for this property as it is a short walk to public transport points which can get you around Birmingham very promptly.
#英国·伯明翰[地点]# #英国伯明翰留学生#
Whatever requirements you have House Hunt can cater all types of accommodation to suit your taste – simply contact House Hunt today!

**House Hunt do not charge any administration or agency fees**

- Yes, you read that right – so get in touch with us today! 英国·伯明翰大学

发布     👍 0 举报 写留言 🖊   
  • #棉花娃娃[超话]##日向翔阳[超话]##月岛莹##赤苇京治##木兔光太郎##影山飞雄##及川彻##山口忠##孤爪研磨# 【出】原价出排球少年痛包 日向翔阳
  • 再说一遍女孩子是这个世界上最美好善良的存在 大晚上被去年一块出来玩只见过一面的小美女表白了 其实她漂亮到我根本不敢多讲话 像个洋娃娃 听到她这样对我说真的要开心
  • 但我不介意为后人栽树[摊手][哈哈][哈哈][哈哈]你这么做,看似是不想出现不和谐的局面,但实际上是在拖着他们,影响他们寻找自己的幸福,这不是好男人所为~不要跟
  • 据加纳官方通讯社报道,事故发生时,阿库福-阿多不在车队中。据加纳官方通讯社报道,事故发生时,阿库福-阿多不在车队中。
  • 看来,我的幸福快乐,不单是什么知足与满足,而更是要看我做什么事。反过来,天天都幸福快乐了,还有啥不知足与满足的呢?
  • 精工机械手表若长时期的静置不用,机械表的发条就会放松至表款静止不动,这时候,若要从新佩戴,就务必先从新赶快发条,在这以后再校准时间,普遍机械表雷诺机械手表全部图
  • 正因为如此,提高发动机的压缩比,就成了提高发动机热效率的一个重要手段。现在的发动机也不必根据压缩比选择汽油标号了,只要按照车企规定的标号加注即可,因为不同的发动
  • 这是一个粉丝提出的问题,其实这个问题提的相当好,相信不少人也有这个疑问,今天就来讲一下红参炖鸡蛋,是我创作的,经常看我文章的人,应该也知道,吃好了不少人,尤其是
  • 我和师姐看电影之前给鑫哥打了个电话然后他突然问我:前两天让你给我买的包是不是250我:是的啊,你转给我啊(其实只要二百一十多)他:对啊,我一会转给你,到时候就不
  • 他是个坏人,是个骗子,我带上踏雪去找他,可是踏雪受了惊吓,我命悬一线,你没有犹豫射杀了踏雪,那是你最爱的小马,你的伙伴,你的知己,你的追求和信仰。我心很痛,崩溃
  • ""总有人站在不同的角度指责你,但没人了解你应该是自己的一座山。""勇敢告别过去的人,会被奖励一个新的开始。
  • 其实一开始有点难以接受,后劲儿大,后来真正去看漫画,看了乌野打鸥台[泪]真的是哭死,一度以为乌野能够赢,但是小太阳和月月真的让人心疼,没有谁比小太阳在那刻更加懊
  • 更有趣的是,当鲨鱼等危险生物迎面游来,“你”不自觉吓得一机灵,赶快要去找安全的地方躲避……除了去年新开的360°球幕影院外,今年五一前,海平线剧场、深海奇幻-水
  • D3 今天520,不记得去年怎么过的了。今年是在日照和朋友们一起过的,哈哈凌晨两点才睡觉,睡了一上午中午12点退房后赶快去吃饭。中午吃了海鲜,清蒸海鲜我不太感冒
  • #歌手# 无语,我作为普通听众就是觉得黄宣那首歌很难听歌词也很不礼貌啊这都能上升到音乐素养不强,真牛,你参加一个面向大众的音乐节目,难道还要我们这些普通观众去了
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