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Memorial of CPC's 1st national congress opens in Shanghai
The memorial of the first National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) opened in Shanghai Thursday.

The memorial includes the site of the first CPC National Congress, an oath-taking hall, and a newly-built exhibition area.

More than 1,100 selected items that highlight the Party's history have been displayed in the exhibition area spanning 3,400 square meters.

The exhibition area is divided into seven sections that chronicle the founding of the CPC as well as the Party's efforts and achievements over the past 100 years.

Exhibits including relics, photos and literature cover major events such as the New Culture Movement, the May Fourth Movement, the establishment of early CPC organizations and early CPC national congresses.

A total of 72 versions of The Communist Manifesto are also on display.

The founding fathers of the CPC secretly convened the first National Congress of the Party in the two-story brick-and-wood building in downtown Shanghai in 1921. The building was turned into a memorial site in 1952 and continues to be a popular tourist attraction in Shanghai.


USSR Military Badge "Excellent Sapper". Early variant, awarded during WWII and produced on Shcherbinsky Stamping and Mechanical Plant of People's Commissariat of Transport. Made from bronze, with partly saved silvering. With native screw-nut. Badge Established in August 19, 1942 for awarding to sappers for liquidation of enemy minefields, survey of mine fields, competent camouflage, etc.

【#美国青少年新冠住院率上升# ,专家敦促尽快为其接种疫苗】据外媒报道,美国疾控中心(CDC)的数据显示,美国青少年的新冠肺炎住院率在3月和4月有所上升。在今年年初因感染新冠肺炎而住院的青少年中,近三分之一需要重症监护。美疾控中心主任瓦伦斯基对此表示担忧,并敦促该国父母尽快为青少年接种新冠疫苗。The director of theU.S. Centers for Disease Controland Prevention called for vaccinating teenagers, as new data showed that the hospitalization rate due to COVID-19 increased among adolescents in March and April, U.S. media reported on Saturday. Early this year, about one-third of the hospitalized teenager COVID-19 patients in the country needed ICU admission.

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