Liaoning Medical team aiding Xiangyang received a "special mission" again: signing their names on the T-shirts written "Having fought for Xiangyang, I don't have any regrets!" A small T-shirt reproduces the extraordinary time when Xiangyang and Liaoning shared weal and woe with each other during the period of war against the "epidemic". (Photographer: Ding Siwen) | 辽宁援襄医疗队再次收到“特殊任务”——在写着“为襄阳拼过命,我值了!”的T恤上签上他们的名字。小小的一件T恤,重现了战“疫”期间襄阳辽宁患难与共、勠力同心的峥嵘时光。(摄影:丁思文)

【小村庄联通大世界】#乡村振兴# After the drizzle that had been falling all night finally stopped after breakfast, Chen Yuanfu and Chen Yuanyang, two brothers who live in a small village in southwest China's Guizhou province, took out their equipment to make short videos about their stockaded village. 一夜细雨,早饭后才渐停,陈远福、陈远洋兄弟赶紧拿出设备忙活起来;寨子就是取景地,家人轮流当主角,剧情都是村里那些有意思的事儿……

This country has the most castles in Europe

WITH EUROPE’S BORDERS temporarily closed to American travelers, the continent’s icons shine an even more inviting beacon than usual—if partly because of their inaccessibility. And few European attractions pop up more often on postcards and in Instagram posts than its castles.
But the best place for serious castle spotters may come as a surprise. It’s not France’s Loire or Germany’s Bavaria. The true epicenter is Wales, which features more castles per square mile than any other country in Europe.
From the northern mountains of Snowdonia to Swansea Bay in the south, castles that could have dropped out of Camelot shoot up everywhere. Why the density? Blame it partly on Wales’ history as a contested territory. Fighting over turf, the Normans, the native Welsh, and the English, led by expansionist Edward I, all erected epic fortresses in an explosion of castle building that dominated the 13th and 14th centuries.
The sheer number of Welsh castles is matched by their variety. “For a small country,” says historian Kate Roberts, “we have just about every type and form, including concentric castles with moated defenses, castles with gigantic well-fortified gatehouses, castles that make every possible use of natural defenses, and castles designed to be beautiful luxurious residences.”
威尔士的城堡数量庞大,其种类也相当繁多。历史学家凯特•罗伯茨(Kate Roberts)介绍道:“威尔士面积不大,却有各种造型、各种功能的城堡,包括筑有护城河防御的同心城堡、修有巨型强化门楼的城堡,还有最大程度依附自然屏障的城堡,以及专门设计的豪华住宅式城堡。”
Over time the Welsh castles changed shape. As the internecine wars died down, they slowly evolved from primarily stony fortresses and command posts to stately homes flush with some of Wales’ finest art and most flamboyant treasures, nestled in elaborate gardens.
Raglan Castle is a prime example of the shift. “The older parts of the castle,” says Roberts, “extend back to the 13th and 14th centuries but what visitors see today mostly dates from the 15th century, when Raglan had become a grand manorial home, boasting sumptuous apartments surrounding a fountain court. Late additions in the 16th century included a conversion into a magnificent Elizabethan country house, surrounded by garden terraces and a lake.” An army of fanciful gargoyles and heraldic carvings frame the castle courtyards, testimony to the artistic flourishes that began to gild the original fortresses.
拉格兰城堡(Raglan Castle)就是这一转变的典型代表。罗伯兹表示:“拉格兰城堡较古老的一部分可追溯至13、14世纪,但如今游客观赏到的多数修于15世纪,那时古堡已是座大庄园住宅,住房围着喷泉球场,尽显奢华。16世纪的后期扩建工程将城堡改成了一幢伊丽莎白式的乡村豪宅,周围环有花园露台和一个湖泊。”庭院里处处安放着形态各异的滴水兽,和刻有花纹的各种雕像,可见当时艺术繁荣,旧时的堡垒也能“镶金裹银”。
In some cases, more recent Welsh castles were conceived, from the start, as grand pleasure houses. Penrhyn Castle, a mock neo-Norman structure bristling with jutting towers and battlements, may look like a fortress. But it never saw any military action.
有时候,一些近代的威尔士城堡起初便设计成豪华娱乐场所。彭林城堡( Penrhyn Castle)结构上仿造新诺曼风格,塔体和城垛外伸,虽看似一座堡垒,但从未投入任何军事功用。
The current iteration was built in the early 19th century for a mega-wealthy north Wales mine owner as a kind of fantasia of a medieval fortress. It was specifically designed to house a master class of curated art. Containing one of Wales’ finest collections of paintings, it features everything from Dutch 17th-century landscapes to Spanish portraits and Venetian masterworks, including a Canaletto canvas depicting the Grand Canal. A formal walled garden adds to the artistic overflow.
翻译: 西南科技大学学生 谢睿、王佳妮、包思达、孟楷文

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