#高级英语# 我用英语写的有关#弗兰西斯·培根# 的文字。Francis Bacon accomplished this trio of paintings during the fall of 1951. Pope 2, sometimes known as Pope shouting ,was, in essence, composed first, ensued by Pope 1 and Pope 3, which are in not all circumstances monotony, Pope 1 a relatively static image, the countenance of Pope 2 nebulous, Pope 3’s features nearly indistinguishable. It must also be noted that this trio constituted Bacon’s first papal series, then again his first endeavor to exteriorize the successive actions of a single figure in a series of works, a figure derived from Velasquez’s painting but the dark ecclesiastical setting, nonetheless, is from an actual photograph of Pope Pious XII.


(Paintings by Francis Bacon - Study after Pope Innocent X by Velazquez)

I went to Wudang Mountain at the end of the May Day holiday.Wishing will be more spiritual, so I went uphill for three hours,I met many people along the way,Everyone has the courage to get tired to send all the photos taken by the original camera,How many photos of my tourists can I make upReturning to nature along the way,Trees, birds and insects have everything,There are also many people praying for the red ribbon and marriage lock Wudang Mountain is a super fairy place,Feeling everywhereI went to Wudang Mountain at the end of the May 1st holiday. It is said that climbing up in person will appear more religious.Wishing will be more spiritual, so I went uphill for three hours,I met many people along the way,Everyone has the courage to get tired to send all the photos taken by the original camera,How many photos of my tourists can I make upReturning to nature along the way,Trees, birds and insects have everything,There are also many people praying for the red ribbon and marriage lock Wudang Mountain is a super fairy place,The feeling everywhere is that it was raining heavily while preparing to climb the golden summit.But it does not hinder our mood,Keep going,Although it was steep down the mountain to go down by ropeway,But the wind, rain and fog stopped the ropeway and had to continue walking.幸好, I walked more than 20,000 steps today in only one and a half hours,I feel that my legs are not my own at all, but today's Xiao Zhao is super pious,I agree with words and deeds, hoping the gods will bless me,Protect us

The magnificent building with the inscription incorporated in secondary use.Archaeologists have discovered a 1,500-year-old inscription reading "Christ, born of Mary" in northern Israel.The inscription was carved in Greek and originally formed part of a lintel in the doorway to a Byzantine church.[喵喵]The doorway dates back to the late fifth century BC. The stone with the inscription was repurposed in the walls of a magnificent building from the Byzantine or Early Islamic period that is now being excavated by the Israel Anqituities Authority (IAA).Archaeologists have unearthed two rooms to the building, both with mosaic flooring featuring a geometric design.The excavations are taking place in the village of et-Taiyiba in the Jezreel Valley prior to the construction of a new road.The uncovered inscription reads in full: "Christ born of Mary. This work of the most God-fearing and pious bishop [Theodo]sius and the miserable Th[omas] was built from the foundation - -. Whoever enters should pray for them.”Theodisius was regional archbishop of the metropolis of Bet She'an, to which et-Taiyiba in the valley belonged, and was founder of the church.Dr Leah Di-Segni, researcher at the Institute of Archaeology of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, who deciphered the text, said it is a dedicatory inscription that would have been engraved while the foundations of the church were being cast.The words "Christ born of Mary" were common in inscriptions and documents from the time, and would have been intended to protect visitors to the church from the evil eye, Dr Di-Segni believes.
Photo: Tzachi Lang/Israel Antiquities Authority

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