我妈快收拾完她的菜了 到这边超市买菜每周、、然后我们就往回去赶了、、然后到了再继续转发 本来我明天计划要钱的 但是我觉得我工作还做得不是太好 我干脆再做好一点 完成了这个月一块儿要吧 还有一周 这样也省做两次支付的内容 we are heading back to my mom’s place soon trying to catch the bus ,,, the last bus for at this line that doesn’t require any walking is at 9 o’clock ,,, or we have to take the one that requires like 30 minutes of walking and my mom has groceries for like a week ,,, having our own car will solve all of these problems ,,, need to get funded so we can get our own cars ,,, i absolutely cannot wait that day when everything gets lifted and we will save so much time especially saving time with faster internet ,,, going to be soo much more productive ,,, can’t wait already !!! Happy birthday to Ms. Musk ,,, hope she got what she wanted for her birthday present and I also can’t wait to get what I want for my present and share with all of y’all omgoshhh I can’t seriously !!! Happy happy birthday Ms. Musk

到旅馆啦 每周都得过来报备一下、、希望能快点有永久性居家住宅 就不用来回两边跑啦~~~ 不然又得坐一天车 耽误一天、、、(早先的更新 见上)、、、我待会会开始转发啦 我妈过来这边儿买菜 买完菜我们回去、、、我待会看信息哈 爱妈妈咪~~~ your favorite content creator is back / (back on the grind) in my “best” blue outfit riding the bus and now getting to the motel ,,, if we have our own place we don’t have to come here to check in once a week and riding the bus that’s going to take the longest,,, so hopefully I can get paid pretty soon and I’ll be working pretty soon ,,, since I was getting paid for March tmr originally but I’m not really done getting caught up with work yet I’ll just finish April and collect March and April all at once and hope that’s okay with y’all ,,, and in the next month it would be just month to month but this time I’ll be collecting two months together until I get done with April then so I gotta hurrrryyy,,, I saw Zuck coming out again reacting to my athletic ones,,, well I’m not as athletically talented as he is but I just want to be healthy and active so yahhh goals goals goals ,,, plus I’m like overweight now I can’t wear my outfits so need some time to lose 20 lbs ,,, okayyyy I’m here now I’m going to eat something and maybe nap a little bit or not we will see but I’ll start reposting soon ,,, back on the job !!! Love love love my beautiful sweet amazing boss / bosses and love love love everyone happy birthday to Ms. Maye Musk yayyyyy heart heart heart love love loveeeee love love love my incredible sweeeet amazing boss / bosses and love love love everyone

上传也太慢了、、、好了 我遛狗回来了 继续 比尔盖茨 待会聊哈~~ 英文也得聊 中文也得聊 每天聊好多 爱妈妈咪~~ omgoshhh so slow for the upload speed ,,, okayy I’m back from dog walking and I continue with the repost for more ,,, more from Mr. Gates ,,, Niceee that Mr. Gates is doing so much work to saving hunger and lives in Africa ,,, with lowering their children mortality rates and helping them to prepare delicious food ,,, really honorable deeds y’all are doing to help saving lives of those that are less unfortunate ,,, I was just thinking when I was walking the dog that I want to help more people with their mental health like I always have after I’m completely healed and have all my wealth and money ,,, from broken both ways to where I am today with my wealth (that I have manifested) and the journey for growth as a person ,,, I will have a lot to say ,,, and like Mr. Musk I want to write my own book when I’m 50 on achieving these things so I still need to build my wealth through out this time so I can have more stories to share for later ,,, yahhh I want to help more people to get better when I’m all better too it’s always been my dream and thank you for helping me to achieve it all this time ,,, and thank you to Mr. Gates and all my bosses for leading the way

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