On the evening of the 9th, I ate grapes and cherry tomatoes at home, on the evening of the 10th Rou Jiamo mineral water, on the afternoon of the 10th dry pot small crispy meat with vegetables and fragrant rice mineral water, on the evening of the 11th and 13th two rou jiamo also have jasmine tea, dry pot small crispy meat with vegetables and rice with vegetables and hard bad reviews, on the afternoon of the 12th Meizai braised sausage rice, No. 13 noon gravy sausage set rice meat sausage vegetarian chicken thousand rice genji forest, No. 14 noon roast duck rice with seasoning, vegetarian chicken green vegetables No. 15 Tiktok dot goose cover rice did not give chopsticks, yesterday commented that two chopsticks put on the door with rice, the duck is not delicious generally I do not eat, At noon on the 16th, I didn't order anything long at noon on the 16th. On the evening of the 12th, 14th, 15th and 16th, I asked my sister to help him ask the school. A few days ago, he took a bath and changed his clothes. A few days ago, he also threw himself into a neighbor in Lu 'an. The other day the meat bite too hard! A few days ago, the shutdown was very bad, the mat I bought a few days ago cut my hand and leg, and then did not give a refund, it took a long time. And the mat is still broken inside a lot of burrs and a lot of thread, yesterday sore throat, a few days ago put the sheets in the washing machine, but also off a pillowcase hand wash, a few days ago after eating a meal to clean the floor mop garbage wash hair bath, and then take shorts short sleeve bath, two days ago in the morning to dry clothes and then change the mat a lot of thorns!前几天我想买一个带锁长柜桌,朋友和我说的房桌子问了一下大概买多大的,长800-1000 高1000以内深度300,前几天换的席子有问题就退了一小半还有红包还有毛刺,想买白色的,前几天换了充电线,前几天买了冰糖雪梨和益生菌还有那个车坐套还有买的花,辣条选的,小时的味道,都到了应该前天晚上睡觉几分钟做梦醒了然后又睡着了,前几天把房间收拾一下,冰箱里面的菜不想做这几天应该不会坏了吧,那天换夏凉被子还有放在洗衣机的,小时睡的席子,去年也就开了几次,我爸妈叫我省一点什么的我也没有怎么用,还是买了席子,窗子响有风前两天充话费还有之前还电燃水费,抖音改了一下几个字,前段时间浇花,电视背景墙下面搞上水擦了半天搞餐巾纸,那天席子也是擦还有红色的,前段时间我妈打电话说可能端午节回来不知道,想睡觉了!

Centralne Muzeum Jeńców Wojennych
Internierungslager Lamsdorf (1870/71, im Ersten Weltkrieg)
Stalag VIII B, Stalag VIII F/318, Stalag 344
Gedenkstätte des Nachkriegslagers Lamsdorf
很厉害的一个地方,历代都是战 俘营。
Stalag VIII-B was a German Army prisoner-of-war camp during World War II, later renumbered Stalag-344, located near the village of Lamsdorf (now Łambinowice) in Silesia. The camp initially occupied barracks built to house British and French prisoners in World War I. At this same location there had been a prisoner camp during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71.
In the 1860s, the Prussian Army established a training area for artillery at a wooded area near Lamsdorf, a small village connected by rail to Opole and Nysa. During the Franco-Prussian War, a camp for French prisoners of war was established here, which housed some 3000 French POW's. During the First World War, a much larger POW camp was established here with some 90,000 soldiers of various nationalities interned here. After the treaty of Versailles, the camp was closed down.
It was reopened in 1939 to house Polish prisoners from the German invasion of Poland, which started World War II in September 1939. Later during the war, approximately 100,000 prisoners from Australia, Belgium, British India, British Palestine, Canada, France, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, South Africa, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the Isle of Man, the United States and Yugoslavia passed through this camp. In 1941 a separate camp, Stalag VIII-F was set up close by to house the Soviet prisoners.
In 1943, the Lamsdorf camp was split up, and many of the prisoners (and Arbeitskommando) were transferred to two new base camps Stalag VIII-C Sagan (modern Żagań) and Stalag VIII-D Teschen (modern Český Těšín). The base camp at Lamsdorf was renumbered Stalag 344.
The Soviet Army reached the camp on 17 March 1945.
In 1945-1946, the camp was used by the Soviet-installed Polish Ministry of Public Security to house some 8000-9000 Germans, both prisoners of war and civilians. Polish army personnel being repatriated from POW camps were also processed through Łambinowice and sometimes held there as prisoners for several months. Some were later released, others sent to Gulags in Siberia. About 1000-1500 German prisoners died in the camp due to malnutrition, lack of medicine and acts of violence and terror by the guards. Camp commander Czesław Gęborski was later put on trial for his role in running the camp.

By 1943, the famous camp for Allied flight personnel in Sagan — Stalag Luft III — had become so overcrowded that about 1,000, mostly non-commissioned flight personnel, were transferred to Lamsdorf. A part of Stalag VIII-B was separated by building new barbed-wire fences, designated Stalag Luft VIII-B. Thus a camp within a camp was created. However all food was provided from kitchens operated by army personnel in the camp proper.

#高中历史##histoire##Troisième République##法兰西第三共和国#
Après la défaite de 1870, l'installation de la Troisième République n'est pas acquise d'emblée. Créée sous le règne d'une majorité parlementaire conservatrice, plutôt monarchiste et bonapartiste, elle va perdurer pendant près de soixante dix ans, sans véritable Constitution. C'est pourtant l'apogée du régime parlementaire. La Chambre des députés exerce une influence décisive sur l'action des gouvernements successifs. L'oeuvre de la Troisième République est considérable, aussi bien en matière d'instruction publique que du point de vue des libertés et de l'épanouissement d'une société démocratique. La Troisième République remporte la terrible épreuve de la Grande Guerre, mais elle succombe à la défaite militaire du 10 mai 1940.


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