
Liangpi 凉皮

Liangpi is a noodle-like Chinese dish made from wheat or rice flour. It is a specialty dish originating from Shaanxi province, but has now spread to many other places in China, in particular the northern and central regions.


Hanzhong Liangpi 汉中凉皮

Hanzhong Liangpi or Hanzhong Mianpi, named for the city of Hanzhong in southwestern Shaanxi. It is a kind of steamed Liangpi with garlic and hot chili oil.


Majiang Liangpi 麻酱凉皮

Majiang Liangpi is Liangpi garnished with julienned cucumber and a sauce made of salt, vinegar, hot chili oil and especially black sesame paste, for which it is named.


Shaanxi Gan Mianpi 陕西擀面皮

Shaanxi Ganmianpi is another type of Liangpi, which tastes a bit firmer and looks darker in color compared to other Liangpi. It is always served with Mianjin, vinegar, chilli oil, salt, mashed garlic in water and bean sprout.


凉皮 liangpi, cold noodles (made of rice-flour or wheat flour), cold skin noodles(skin 可指各种不同引申义的皮,加 noodles 确定语义)

|童話餐桌之卡比巴拉雪媚娘|巧克力餅乾餡雪媚娘 #食譜




1. 將糯米粉、玉米粉、糖、牛奶攪拌至無顆粒,將粉漿放入鍋中蒸約20分取出,加入奶油揉勻。在工作檯面撒上些許的熟糯米粉,將粉團移至檯面後加入巧克力粉揉至光滑,分切成喜歡的大小(最小的卡比巴拉約20克),冷藏至少30分鐘後使用。

2. 將糖加入動物性鮮奶油後用攪拌器打發至有波浪紋路便打發完成。另外將Oreo餅乾放在塑膠袋裡,用桿麵棍壓成小碎塊備用。

3. 將作法1的麵團取出整形揉圓,用桿麵棍壓扁後將麵皮放在有深度的小碟子裡,依序裝進打發的鮮奶油、Oreo餅乾、打發的鮮奶油、收口後切掉多餘的麵皮,即可翻轉放入小碟子維持形狀即可。耳多和鼻子部份做好再沾點水黏上(不沾糯米粉),用食物雕刻刀刻出嘴巴,用巧克力米做眼睛。如果保鮮膜包著冷藏,最好在當天食用完畢確保外皮Q彈喔!

|Capybara mochi|Mochi with strawberry & red bean paste filling

Are you obsessed with these little guys? Who isn't?! I made the internet's favorite animal even cuter - a capybara-shaped mochi filled with whipped cream and Oreo crumbles! These cuties are squeezable and oh-so delicious!

Mochi skin ingredients: 120 grams of glutinous rice flour, 30 grams of corn flour, 60 grams of sugar, 160 ml of milk, 30 grams of butter, 2 tablespoons of toasted glutinous rice flour, 1 tablespoon of chocolate powder

Filling ingredients: 200ml heavy whipping cream, 30g sugar, 3 pieces of Oreo cookies

How to make it:
1. Stir the glutinous rice flour, corn flour, sugar, and milk until there are no particles. Put the mix into the pot and steam for about 20 minutes. Take it out, add butter, and knead evenly. Sprinkle some toasted glutinous rice flour on the work surface, transfer the dough to the surface, add chocolate powder, and knead until smooth, then cut into desired sizes (the smallest capybara is about 20 g), and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before use.

2. Add the sugar to heavy whipping cream and use a mixer to whip it until there are wavy textures to form whipped cream. In addition, put the Oreo biscuits in a plastic bag and crush them into small pieces with a pin. Set aside.

3. Take out the individual dough from step 1 and shape it into a round shape. Flatten it with a rolling pin and flatten the dough. Place it in a deep small dish, add the whipped cream, Oreo cookies, and whipped cream. After closing up the dough, cut off the excess dough, flip it over, and put it back in the small dish to keep it in shape. Make the ears and nose part at last and attach them by using a bit of water, then use fondant tool to carve out the face features, use chocolate sprinkles as eyes. If it is wrapped in plastic wrap and refrigerated, it is best to eat it on the same day to ensure that the mochi is soft and delicious!

Full automatic stainless steel flour mill for grain and miscellaneous grains Hailu intelligent nano grinder with intelligent production of 600 to 20000 meshes
智能制造:全自动纳米粉碎机 精密美观
执行规定:GB4706.1 GB4706.30
产品特点:相对低温 真超细 全自动 食品级
产品型号:CN65639 2019-2039
产品材质:SUS304不锈钢 净重2690g
产品功率:300W 电压110V/220V
电机转速:28000r/min 产能>400g/次
入料干燥:>99% 不含油不含胶 硬度<46HRC
自动清理:入新料前掀盖 开机 瞬间自动清理干净
操作提示:亲 请开机时注意离手


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