#白鹿[超话]##白鹿# #白鹿夏凤华# #白鹿北上#

I need you like a heart needs a beat.

我需要你,就像心需要跳动。I love all the stars in the sky,but they are nothing compared to the ones in your eyes.


#Fairy Tales
Today, what impressed me the most was the one I hadn’t shot a picture of. A couple lay down in a little bus room who have a monster head and human body. At first eyes, my friend and I simply thought, "Wow, what a cozy scene," as we saw a couple nestled together in a snug but warm house. After we got closer, she saw their face and suddenly a short, sharp scream escaped from her mouth, and she lowered her camera at the same time. Within those 5 minutes I stood there, people nearby occasionally glanced inside, then quickly backed away. The scene felt so real that people instinctively avoided uncomfortable situations, even failing to hide the shock, fear and disgust that flickered across their faces in a split second. Me, as well. In the neatly arranged room with warm-toned furnishings, a couple embracing, perhaps just going about their ordinary yet blissful day. Just because of some differences, perhaps beyond the common understanding of the masses, it became something terrifying, something unacceptable. Even to the extent of bringing about attacks and harm fueled by fear and ignorance. Many non-human characters appear in fairy tales, with some depicted as benevolent beings and others as malicious ones. Typically, the benevolent characters are portrayed as exceedingly beautiful, while villains are often depicted as grotesque. As I pondered this further, I realized something else. Many malevolent and grotesque characters were often portrayed as female, with witches being a prime example. Women were confined within inherent labels and societal expectations, suppressing their individuality. Society's lack of acceptance towards women outside the mainstream norms inevitably branded them as deviant. In many of the paintings I later observed, the fresh and powerful reinterpretation of fairy tales revealed to me the breakthroughs in female power and perception. People project their hopes and dreams onto fairy tales, and fairy tales evolve in the hearts of each era, every social context, every generation, and every individual.
As I finish editing this passage and prepare to upload the images, the scene that flashes through my mind is the one where I was scared and failed to take a picture. Emmmmm…Something changed but seems like nothing changed. I suppose this is the bridge between fairy tales and reality, as well as the disconnection between them.

昨天我们去吃了“极其不正宗”的德式阿富汗菜和德式印度菜,吃到一半实在太难吃了,她跟我说,I really miss Indian food, the real ones, not this shit!

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  • !!
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