
Blinks. I apologize that I’m late, but it was the 3 year anniversary for my very first mini album -R- a few days ago! Wow does time fly. I remember every moment of preparing that project. I remember being so hungry to do a good job for my very first solo project, and walking away feeling really proud of myself for committing to doing my very best. As much as that album made me happy, I really do hope it made you all happy too. All in all, I must say there is nothing else that makes me happier than being in a studio, working on music and performing for you all. I will always try my best to make music that we can all bond and grow to. I’m so glad you are on this journey with me. Through all the good and all the bad, thank you for always being there for me and believing in me.
Happy 3 years to -R-

Blinks. I apologize that I'm late, but it was the 3 year anni versary for my very first mini album -R- a few days ago!
Wow does time fly. I remember every moment of preparin g that project. I remember being so hungry to do a good j ob for my very first solo project, and walking away feeling really proud of myself for committing to doing my very b est. As much as that album made me happy, I really do h ope it made you all happy too. All in all, I must say there i s nothing else that makes me happier than being in a stu dio, working on music and performing for you all. I will al ways try my best to make music that we can all bond and grow to. I'm so glad you are on this journey with me. Thr ough all the good and all the bad, thank you for always b eing there for me and believing in me.
Happy 3 years to -R-

Blinks. I apologize that I’m late, but it was the 3 year anniversary for my very first mini album -R- a few days ago! Wow does time fly. I remember every moment of preparing that project. I remember being so hungry to do a good job for my very first solo project, and walking away feeling really proud of myself for committing to doing my very best. As much as that album made me happy, I really do hope it made you all happy too. All in all, I must say there is nothing else that makes me happier than being in a studio, working on music and performing for you all. I will always try my best to make music that we can all bond and grow to. I’m so glad you are on this journey with me. Through all the good and all the bad, thank you for always being there for me and believing in me.
Happy 3 years to -R- #ROSÉ[超话]##朴彩英[超话]##BLACKPINK[超话]#

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