First PLOG post [ENG]

A one-day trip to the seaside of sunny Rizhao.

The trip was a very spontaneous idea. Firstly, we wanted to go out for our first camping trip with a new tent but as the time was short and the weather wasn’t warm enough we decided to stay in the hotel. Likely, that day was very quiet and the forest park, where the seaside is, had no people at all. A very rare thing in China, in my opinion
The next day we wanted to see the sunrise. We even got up around 5 am. Unfortunately, the clouds were so thick that we had to leave without seeing the sun coming up

Hope to return there for longer next time

Comprehension of the Text

Ⅻ Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.

1. How many kinds of headaches are mentioned in the passage?
B. Three.

2. The headaches discussed in the passage are
A. cluster, migraine and muscle headaches.

3. Why does each kind of headache need a different trearment?
A. Because each begins in a different place.

4. Migraine headaches occur
C. on only one side of the head.

5. Cluster headaches start in () and muscle headaches srart in ().
C. the arteries…the morning

6. Which of the following headaches occur more frequently in women than in men?
A. Migraine headaches.

7. How are headaches usually treated?
C. Both A and B.
Both by medicine and by a change in diet or an increase in exercise.

8. What can be best said about headaches according to the passage?
B. There is no special cure for headaches.




Tatiana Tarasova: Listen, no athlete will take any pill from a doctor’s hands. Only the coach can give them that pill. It cannot be otherwise. How could children take such a pill from a doctor? Nothing happens without the coach,” – said Tarasova on the air of the program “Life and Fate” on the channel “Russia 1.
Kamila Valieva' case left a “very unpleasant” taste with WADA because the teenager was the only one punished with a ban while her coaches and entourage have not been sanctioned [doge]

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  • #插画##原创# 哈喽~这里是小可蕾-kollei.我的个人独立ip. 希望她如含苞待放的花朵一般可爱,在未来绽放出绚丽的色彩。[赢牛奶]关注并留言告诉小可,