

Happy 27th Birthday to SEVENTEEN's handsome and extremely talented Singer, composer & song-writer DK!
DK became famous as the Main Vocalist of the hugely popular top-selling K-Pop Group SEVENTEEN! He sure knows how to sing and is also a great entertainer. DK is also part of SEVENTEEN's very successful sub unit BSS which includes Seungkwan & Hoshi, and was formed in 2018. The group released their 1st single album 'Second Wind' in February, 2023 which also includes the songs "Lunch" and "7PM". On the first day of its release, 'Second Wind' sold over 478,000 copies, breaking the first-week sales record for an album released by a K-pop band sub-unit. By the end of the first week, the album sold a record 610,189 copies in total and topped the Circle Albums chart! BSS received their first music show win on MBC M's Show Champion with "Fighting", followed by wins on M Countdown, Music Bank, Show! Music Core and Inkigayo. The group won the Grand Prize (Daesang) at the 2023 Asia Artist Awards! DK is also a successful soloist and released his first ever solo song ‘You’re My Christmas’ in December 2021. The digital single was written and composed by DK himself, with SEVENTEEN collaborators Jozu and Lee Beom-hoon of PRISMFILTER.

DK is SEVENTEENS Happy virus and the funniest member of SEVENTEEN. He's also the new brand ambassador for Bally. Known for his sartorial flair, he will be the face of Bally's spring-summer 2024 campaign. He will also participate in global brand activations.

mini11拆卡补邮:https://t.cn/A6leHGIU ​​​


Happy 27th Birthday to SEVENTEEN's handsome and extremely talented Singer, composer & song-writer DK!
DK became famous as the Main Vocalist of the hugely popular top-selling K-Pop Group SEVENTEEN! He sure knows how to sing and is also a great entertainer. DK is also part of SEVENTEEN's very successful sub unit BSS which includes Seungkwan & Hoshi, and was formed in 2018. The group released their 1st single album 'Second Wind' in February, 2023 which also includes the songs "Lunch" and "7PM". On the first day of its release, 'Second Wind' sold over 478,000 copies, breaking the first-week sales record for an album released by a K-pop band sub-unit. By the end of the first week, the album sold a record 610,189 copies in total and topped the Circle Albums chart! BSS received their first music show win on MBC M's Show Champion with "Fighting", followed by wins on M Countdown, Music Bank, Show! Music Core and Inkigayo. The group won the Grand Prize (Daesang) at the 2023 Asia Artist Awards! DK is also a successful soloist and released his first ever solo song ‘You’re My Christmas’ in December 2021. The digital single was written and composed by DK himself, with SEVENTEEN collaborators Jozu and Lee Beom-hoon of PRISMFILTER.

DK is SEVENTEENS Happy virus and the funniest member of SEVENTEEN. He's also the new brand ambassador for Bally. Known for his sartorial flair, he will be the face of Bally's spring-summer 2024 campaign. He will also participate in global brand activations.


美职联球队国际迈阿密2月4日来港踢表演赛,阿根廷「球王」美斯全场「斋坐」没有上场,引起全城愤怒。Tatler Asia主席兼行政总裁Michel Lamunière近日接受外媒访问时忽然改口称,「自己在比赛开始前15分钟才知道美斯不会上阵。」(He had only discovered Messi would not play 15 minutes before the start of the game.)

不过令人感到奇怪的是,主办方Tatler Asia赛後曾发表声明指,「赛前没有得到任何关於美斯或苏亚雷斯缺席比赛的消息。」(Tatler did not have any information about the non-participation of Messi or Suárez prior to kick off.)

Michel Lamunière本人亦於翌日举行记者会,亲自解画指上半场结束後国际迈阿密才通知美斯因伤无法出赛,Tatler Asia已即时通知香港政府,并在下半场敦促国际迈阿密管理层,要求美斯向球迷发表讲话,但最後无功而回。相关说法明显与最新说法有出入。

Michel Lamunière的最新说法让美斯缺阵风波陷入罗生门,究竟是谁公然说谎?抑或背後另有内情?希望当局能够彻查事件,给公众一个交代。

#帮港出声# #美斯缺阵风波# #罗生门# #Tatler Asia主席兼行政总裁# #Michel Lamunière# #事前不知情# #忽然改口# #赛前15分钟才知美斯缺阵# #彻查事件# #给公众交代#

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