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#香港理工大学[超话]# 捡漏  香港理工大学  港理 PolyU 24fall 新开

Quantitative Finance and FinTech量化金融与金融科技
Generative AI and the Humanities生成式人工智能与人文科学-Language and Communication语言与沟通方向,Arts and Culture艺术与文化方向
Medical Data Science医疗数据科学
Smart Manufacturing智能制造
Intelligent Construction智能建造
Intelligent Wearable Technology智能可穿戴技术

Sustainable Fashion and Innovation可持续时装与创新
Carbon Neutral Cities and Urban Sustainability碳中和城市及可持续性
Electric Vehicles电动汽车
Microelectronics and Quantum Systems Engineering 微电子与量子系统工程

Medical Imaging医疗影像
Medical Laboratory Science医疗化验科学
Nutrition and Health Ageing(Nutrition in Practice)营养与健康活龄(营养学实践)
Medical Data Science医疗数据科学
Biopharmaceutical Development and Commercialization生物医药研发与商业化

Innovative Multimedia Entertainment多媒体创娱

Sustainable Fashion and Innovation可持续时装与创新
Luxury Experiences Management豪华体验管理
Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Hospitality酒店业创新与创业

港理整体语言要求不高 文书要求也相对简单  2023年11月16日早鸟轮已过 所有项目最终截止日期2024年4月30日   依旧可以冲 

GUIHUA Weekly 2406 | Emerging Technology

Brains of Society

As cities worldwide grapple with unprecedented challenges, from rapid urbanization to environmental sustainability, the limitations of traditional, centralized AI systems—dubbed "City Brain"—become increasingly apparent. The "Society Brains" model proposed in this paper marks a significant paradigm shift, advocating for a distributed, collective intelligence approach that leverages the interconnectedness and collaborative potential of urban populations.

In this issue, we present our most recent article, titled "Society Brains: Theoretical Model and Key Issues," examines the limitations of the "City Brain" concept in addressing modern urban challenges, advocating for a shift towards a "Society Brains" model.

It identifies four main technical challenges faced by the City Brain system and proposes the Society Brains model as a solution. This new model is based on collective intelligence, aiming to overcome the limitations of the single-brain system through a new AI model that emphasizes the collective learning of intelligent individuals. The paper discusses nine key issues related to the Society Brains model, including its origin, decision-making structure, function allocation, digital simulation, iterative development, and governance. It highlights the potential of Society Brains to advance the development of smart cities by fostering a more complex, dynamic, and interconnected approach to urban management and decision-making.

This article by us presents an innovative perspective on urban development, emphasizing the need for a shift from centralized, AI-driven models to a more distributed, collective intelligence approach. The authors convincingly argue that the complexity of urban challenges requires the integration of diverse data sources, decision-making processes, and learning mechanisms, which can only be achieved through the Society Brains model. They provide a comprehensive framework for understanding how such a model could function in practice, including its potential to enhance responsiveness, inclusivity, and sustainability in urban management. The discussion on governance and ethical considerations underlines the importance of transparency and public participation in the deployment of advanced technologies in urban contexts. This paper contributes significantly to the discourse on smart cities, offering valuable insights into the future of urban innovation and the role of artificial intelligence in achieving more adaptable and resilient urban systems.


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