My son and his brother are going to be back from Southern for this Spring Festival, we visit to an old town near by my school. Recent days, the local weather is going to rise up, so we also visit to be a berry base near by this town to pick up. There are four kind of berry, one is white and others are red. One red is called be chocolate berry. This kind of plant is still industrialization but without IoT or AIoT embedded even today AI is going to penetrate into our daily life.

It's better to travel thousands of miles than to read ten thousand books. Learning from the East every day is useless. When reading, one should go and read. Also, read more books and learn more. What kind of soft English, French, and useless things to learn and practice during holidays? Oh my, with this person. Oh my, it must be a buddy. Even when I see Flower Girl, I dare not speak and it's useless. I'll send you a red envelope to compare with me. What's the point? You fat guy is not as good as a fat guy as a wife.

Talking about learning from the East and the West every day is useless. The money in the store is useless, and you don't spend anything else, it's useless. You're all useless people, understand? Useful people. He knows where flowers are useful, understand? Oh my, I'll play the piano for you every day. Oh my, I'll be a dog security guard every day, and I'll never see anyone in my life. You really have to manage a few hundred pounds. Just go there and find a girlfriend. When people go there, the door is open. Traveling around Zhangjiajie is like living a life of immortality. You don't do anything in advance. No one pays attention to you. You, you just said it's okay, you're drunk.

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