BN | 探寻法律地形:澳门的仲裁法规

在争议解决领域中,管理仲裁程序的法律起着塑造冲突解决框架的关键作用。在澳门,仲裁程序的执行受到一系列法律法规的严格规范,包括《仲裁法》(第19/2019 号法律)、《澳门民事诉讼法典》和著名的《纽约公约》。本博文旨在揭开澳门仲裁法规的复杂面纱,探讨其细微差别、国际义务以及与《国际商事仲裁示范法》的一致性。

1. 澳门执行法规:

在澳门,仲裁程序的执行基于《仲裁法》(第19/2019 号法律)、《澳门民事诉讼法典》和《纽约公约》。在澳门司法管辖区内作出的仲裁裁决与司法基础法院的裁决具有同等的执行力,从而简化了执行程序。澳门以外的法庭作出的裁决须经中級法院审查和确认,这与澳门在《纽约公约》下的国际义务一致。

资料来源:《仲裁法》第1 条和第70‐73 条(第19/2019 号法律)。

2. 对国内和国际仲裁的统一适用:


资料来源:《仲裁法》第3 条(第19/2019 号法律)。

3. 澳门的《国际商事仲裁示范法》:


资料来源:《仲裁法》第16 条和第55 条(第19/2019 号法律)。

4. 国际仲裁的强制性规定:


资料来源:仲裁法第3 条(第19/2019 号法律)。

3. 澳门法院执行仲裁协议的方式:




English version

In the realm of dispute resolution, the legislation governing arbitration proceedings plays a crucial role in shaping the framework within which conflicts are addressed. In Macau, the enforcement of arbitration proceedings is meticulously regulated by a combination of legislative instruments, including the Arbitration Law (Law no. 19/2019), Macau Civil Procedure Code, and the renowned New York Convention. This blog post aims to unravel the intricacies of Macau's arbitration governing legislation, exploring its nuances, international obligations, and the alignment with UNCITRAL Model Law.

1. Legislation Governing Enforcement in Macau:
The foundation of arbitration enforcement in Macau is laid upon the Arbitration Law (Law no. 19/2019), Macau Civil Procedure Code, and the New York Convention. Arbitration awards issued within Macau's jurisdiction hold equivalent executive force as rulings of the Judicial Base Court, streamlining the enforcement process. Awards from tribunals outside Macau undergo review and confirmation by the Court of Second Instance, aligning with Macau's international obligations under the New York Convention.

Source: Articles 1 and 70–73 Arbitration Law (Law no. 19/2019).

2. Uniform Application to Domestic and International Arbitration:
The Arbitration Law in Macau uniformly applies to all arbitrations situated within its jurisdiction, whether domestic or international. This cohesive approach reflects Macau's commitment to providing a consistent and reliable legal framework for arbitration proceedings.

Source: Article 3 Arbitration Law (Law no. 19/2019).

3. UNCITRAL Model Law in Macau:
Macau's law governing international arbitration is based on the UNCITRAL Model Law, with minimal differences. Notably, Macau's Arbitration Law introduces provisions for an emergency arbitrator, specifying powers and urgent provisional measures. Additionally, it empowers arbitrators to suspend proceedings for conciliation if authorized in writing by the parties involved.

Source: Articles 16 and 55 Arbitration Law (Law no. 19/2019).

4. Mandatory Rules for International Arbitration:

Macau's Arbitration Law imposes mandatory provisions that apply uniformly to all arbitration proceedings, irrespective of whether they are domestic or international. This lack of distinction underlines Macau's commitment to upholding consistent and non-discriminatory legal standards in the arbitration arena.

Source: Article 3 Arbitration Law (Law no. 19/2019).

Macau's arbitration governing legislation stands as a testament to its dedication to providing a robust, internationally aligned framework for dispute resolution. The incorporation of the New York Convention and adherence to the UNCITRAL Model Law showcase Macau's commitment to fostering a favorable environment for both domestic and international arbitration. As businesses continue to navigate the global landscape, Macau's arbitration laws serve as a beacon of reliability and coherence in resolving disputes.

This article does not represent legal advice and cannot be construed as such. Please contact an attorney to obtain guidance on these matters.

"风奏响冬日的序曲,我愿你能和太阳一样熠熠生辉" "he wvind plays the prelude of winler, I wish you could shinelike the sun.


【Antecedent Precipitation Index to Estimate Soil Moisture and Correlate as a Triggering Process in the Occurrence of Landslides】
#论文发表# #地质灾害#

#滑坡# #土壤# #水平衡#

Soil moisture plays a critical role in the Earth's surface-atmosphere interaction systems; hence, measurements and their estimations are crucial for understanding all processes involved in the water balance, especially those related to landslides. This work estimates soil moisture and establish critical operational thresholds based on past landslide occurrences, using an empirical modeling of the Antecedent Precipitation Index (API).

DOI: 10.4236/ijg.2024.151006

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