因为我现在要传个些个人内容就下播了 觉得太亏欠本地了 所以就给爸爸比这儿补一下今天的~~ 妈妈咪问候、、、okayyy I want to get more of you in today but it’s already 10:30 and I said I was going to sign off at 10 today ,,, so I’m putting in Mr. Biden and Mr. Obama and my college CMU in one and we resume tmr ,,, again congrats Billie for your Grammy wins I see her sending out her love notes for her wins and I want to congratulate her and will be reposting her tmr and so as Ashley ,,, need to connect with all my local loves better but I need to get ready for bed cause I have to go to the Chinese doctor early tmr so need to get ready for bed now ,,,, thank you presidents and my college for covering me and I will back on to do more tmr !!! We will be back again better tmr yesssss love love love and heart heart heart coming for all of you tmr again love love love and thank you for your patience and understanding again ,,, and again thank you to the American government for our food stamp and my mom’s senior apartment so we have a roof above our head and I can’t wait to get funded to really get my job to go in 2024 to be better !!! Love love love everyone so so much see y’all tmr for better lovesss heart heart heart

I want to congratulate my beautiful friend SoLana. She made an album that touched millions of people and created a voice for so many women who aren’t afraid to feel deeply. S.O.S is a triumphant soliloquy of songs that effortlessly shows growth, grief, admissions of guilt and even Good days. I said it last night and I’ll say it again— WE NEED YOU SZA, you are the artist of a generation, a one of a kind voice and a timeless poet. I’m so glad you got your flowers on that Grammy stage, but the real trophy is your gift. And for that, WE Thank you. I’m so proud of you and LOVE YOU DEEP!!!! SIZZO SUPREMACY


扎克伯格成立脸书二十年 昨天是纪念,,, wowww Zuck and Facebook for 20 years ,,, I still remember the first time I’ve used Facebook and how popular and how loyal I was to using the app ,,, I think Zuck is right around my age or just a little older because I remember Facebook launched during my freshmen year and we were getting all hyped for it ,,, how memorable were the college days and then I remember there was a phase when I was so heavily involved in the Facebook gaming world for FarmVille mannn I was addicted ,,, I have to make a special content just for this for Zuck to celebrate Facebook for its 20th year and I’ll put it in as my local content caters that I make up ,,,, I’ll put it in after the Chinese new years and the red boss’s birthday gift then i want to make a Facebook special for my FarmVille special editions ,,, those days were funnnn ,,, now I don’t play any games and I miss my Facebook gaming days and my college days when I was on facebook all the time ,,, now I’m still online all the time for today’s version and hope 20 years down the road I’ll have more innovations and creations then today and I’m sure going with all you amazing incredible people a lot is to be accomplished

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