#广州春节年味浓##来广州过年让人无法抗拒的理由##THISISGZIKNOW#@广州天河发布【Tianhe to kick off festivities in business circle during the Chinese New Year】To celebrate the Year of the Dragon, Tianhe Lu Business Circle of Guangzhou will join hands with a number of business venues alongside tons of brands to bring on a series of action-packed activities for visitors. So far, 25 key venues with over 4,200 commercial tenants and brands have planned to carry out 108 theme activities.

Grandview Mall will launch multiple shows during the holiday, combining lantern festival celebrations of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) with elements of western regions to recreate the prosperous and bustling streets of the dynasty.

Xinda Jinmao Plaza will work with Chang’an Huanxiang (长安幻想), a popular Chinese-developed game IP, to allow visitors to touch its classic scenes with hands.

THE Plaza will display creative products remolded from used items during the Lantern Festival.

Parc Central, Teemall and Taikoo Hui will also hold exhibitions related to the theme of dragon. Parc Central will integrate with RICH FLOWER, a new-fashioned art IP, while Teemall will adopt elements of ancient Chinese gardens, and Taikoo Hui will kick off the first art space show in Asia.

To meet different spiritual needs of consumers, some malls are going to bring in assorted projects, such as miniature museums, art galleries, bookstores and venues for dancesport.

The business circle will also launch co-branded activities to fit young visitors, including the centennial show of Disney with Teemall, an exhibition of the famous Japanese cartoon icon Crayon Shin-chan with Grandview Mall, as well as a show brought by Parc Central together with Pop Mart, a character-focused entertainment company.

There will also be a number of cultural events prepared for visitors. Guangzhou Book Center will kick off an exhibition of works created by four generations of descendants from the family of Qi Baishi (1864-1957). OneLink Walk will work with illustrators to organize a static exhibition to attract more visitors.

Meanwhile, night consumption clusters are expected to boom in the area, as featured outdoor stalls will be set up in Link Plaza and theme activities will be held in Tiande Square and Guangzhou International Grand City (igc).

Consumers can also choose to make purchases for the Spring Festival in pop-up stores opened at Kaisa Plaza and the square outside of Buy Now, a shopping place for electronics and mobiles. And Oriental Plaza will ally with stall holders, bands and performers to hold a fair combining live shows with cuisine.

Sources: SilkRoadPost, Guangzhou Daily
Author: Liu Liu
Editor: Joyce

No matter how ordinary Lu is, Lu is still unique. No matter how normal Lu is, nothing can replace Lu.
Lu may be worthless in front of someone, but in front of someone like Didi, Lu is absolutely priceless. Therefore, Lu must believe that in this world there will always be Didi willing to use the simplest way to love Lu, not to tease Lu, nor to scheme with Lu, but simply to be good to Lu. . So, don't deny yourself, one day, Lu will finally become Didi treasure.

Cuộc đời như một bữa tiệc
Ngàn vạn người đến, ngàn vạn người chùn chân
Chỉ có Sừng nhỏ vẫn luôn tiến lên, tranh được sóng vai cùng người.


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