#读懂中国 湾区对话##中国现代化##中国道路#【Guangzhou forum helps others better understand nation's path】Chinese modernization will bring more opportunities to countries and regions around the world, a senior official said on April 19.

Wang Gang, deputy head of the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said Chinese modernization and China's peaceful development posed no threat to the world.

Wang made the remarks at the opening ceremony of the Understanding China — Greater Bay Area Dialogue forum, which kicked off in Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong province, on April 19.

"The Chinese modernization drive brings development opportunities to the world," he said.

China is the world's second-largest economy and the second-largest consumption country with rapid economic development and social stability, he said.

"Embracing China is embracing the future, and investing in China is investing in the future," he said.

"As China opens its doors wider to the outside world, Chinese modernization will open up more space and create unlimited possibilities for cooperation among countries," Wang said.

Wang Weizhong, governor of Guangdong province, said his government is accelerating the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and promoting the modernization drive and the province's high-quality development through deepening reform and opening-up.

Guangdong, which has a population of more than 127 million, had a GDP of more than 12 trillion yuan ($US1.85 trillion) and a foreign trade volume of more than 8.3 trillion yuan last year, accounting for one-fifth of the country's total, the governor said.

"Guangdong would comprehensively deepen reform and expand high-level opening-up to the outside world to help create a full process innovation ecosystem and build the world's most influential industrial technology innovation center in the near future," he said.

Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, former Philippine president and senior deputy speaker of the House of Representatives of the Philippines, said China has proven that it is not a competitor to anyone, but a development partner.

"China opens its markets and provides aid, capital and technologies to developing countries," she said.

First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma in Russia, Ivan Ivanovich Melnikov, said the most urgent task is to establish a new type of international relations based on respecting the legitimate demands, national interests and characteristics, of all countries worldwide.

"China is a model for successfully establishing such a new type of relationship," he said. Guided by the principle of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, China has engaged in constructive dialogue with countries around the world, making outstanding contributions to safeguarding global and regional peace and security, he said.

The three-day forum, including parallel and closed-door seminars and special sessions, will involve politicians, experts, scholars, business executives, diplomats and representatives of international organizations exchanging views about Chinese modernization and opportunities for the world.

Foreign participants were invited to visit the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to get a sense of its economic vitality, which included nine Guangdong cities, plus the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions.

Photo/Guangzhou Daily
Source: https://t.cn/A6NxUFO2
Editor: Liu Liu

Beautiful things do not ask for attention.
好久没静下心来看一部电影,昨天朋友推荐的白日梦想家真的戳到我了,不过多的沉迷于白日梦中,真切的体验与感受生活一定会比在梦里还要精彩,对我来说,还需要再大胆一点跳出舒适圈,“认识世界,克服困难,洞悉所有,贴近生活,找真爱,感受彼此,这就是生活的意义。 ”




斯坦福大学使用Not yet而非No去评价成绩不合格的学生,设身感受一下,自己得到“你失败了”和“还没成呢”两种评价后的感受,会有多么不同。



世界不是非黑即白,成败亦然。换一种成长性思维,变成一个不畏惧失败,即使遇到困难也会觉得“not yet”、“try again”的人,或许接下来的事态会变得很不一样。



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