9⃣️皇家宫花园/Jardin du Palais Royal


黎塞留(1585-1642年)过世后,这个花园和宫殿便遗赠给路易十三(Louis XIII),就此成为真正的“皇家宫殿”(Palais-Royal)。#巴黎有意思[超话]#

1692年,路易十四又把它赠予弟弟奥尔良公爵菲利普(Philippe de France),其家族在这里一直居住到1848年。


他还建了一个“游艺场剧院”(Théâtre des Variétés),它就是现在大名鼎鼎的法兰西歌剧院(Comédie Française)的前身。
巴黎最古老的餐厅之一的大维富餐厅(Grand Véfour)也位于这个皇家花园的博若莱长廊内。

这些石柱是由艺术家丹尼尔·布弘(Daniel Buren)在1986年创作于此的作品,后成为花园里不可错过的一景。

地址:Jardin du Palais Royal
43 Rue de Valois, 75001 PARIS


Live the four seasons in a day
Renewal is not the action of birth and death; it is beyond the opposites; only freedom from the accumulation of memory brings renewal, and there is no understanding save in the present.
The mind can understand the present only if it does not compare, judge; the desire to alter or condemn the present without understanding it gives continuance to the past. Only in comprehending the reflection of the past in the mirror of the present, without distortion, is there renewal.
We consider the present as a means to an end, so the present loses its immense significance. The present is the eternal. But how can a mind that is made up, put together, understand that which is not put together, which is beyond all value, the eternal?
Only when experience is completed is there a renewal. We must be capable of living the four seasons in a day; to be keenly aware, to experience, to understand and be free of the gatherings of each day.

《生命之书》11月2日 节选、有调整
Live the four seasons in a day
Renewal is not the action of birth and death; it is beyond the opposites; only freedom from the accumulation of memory brings renewal, and there is no understanding save in the present.
The mind can understand the present only if it does not compare, judge; the desire to alter or condemn the present without understanding it gives continuance to the past. Only in comprehending the reflection of the past in the mirror of the present, without distortion, is there renewal.
We consider the present as a means to an end, so the present loses its immense significance. The present is the eternal. But how can a mind that is made up, put together, understand that which is not put together, which is beyond all value, the eternal?
Only when experience is completed is there a renewal. We must be capable of living the four seasons in a day; to be keenly aware, to experience, to understand and be free of the gatherings of each day.

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