#游戏资讯# Fami通一周游戏评分出炉,本次总共有9款游戏参与评分,其中万代南梦宫旗下棒球游戏《职棒家庭棒球场2020》和Idea Factory旗下乙女游戏《毘卢遮那战姬 ~源平飞花梦想~》均获得33分领衔测评进入金殿堂。


- 《再来一口Glurp(Drink More Glurp)》(Switch)7/7/6/7(27/40)
- 《Gleamlight》(PS4/XB1/Switch)7/6/7/6(26/40)
- 《Ultra Hat Dimension(ウルトラハットダイメンション)》(PS4/Switch)7/8/7/7(29/40)
- 《PGA巡回赛2K21(PGA Tour 2K21)》(PS4/Switch)8/8/8/8(32/40)
- 《lost dragon(ロストドラゴン)》(PS4/XB1)7/7/7/6(27/40)
- 《战斗狂怒(Fight'N Rage)》(PS4/Switch)8/8/8/7(31/40)
- 《毘卢遮那战姬 ~源平飞花梦想~(ビルシャナ戦姫~源平飛花夢想~)》(Switch)8/8/8/9(33/40)
- 《Atomicrops》(PS4/Switch)8/8/8/8(32/40)
- 《职棒家庭棒球场2020(プロ野球ファミスタ2020)》(Switch)8/8/9/8(33/40)

#全国抗击新冠肺炎疫情表彰大会#【深圳4先进个人和1先进集体获国家表彰】Four individuals and a community from Shenzhen were commended as role models in China’s fight against COVID-19 in Beijing yesterday.
The four were Liu Lei, president of Shenzhen No. 3 People’s Hospital, Feng Yongwen, head of the ICU Department of Shenzhen No. 2 People’s Hospital, Ma Hongyan, deputy director of the Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau, and Zhu Shida, superintendent of the R&D Center of Shenzhen BGI Shareholding Co. They were among the 1,499 individuals who were honored at the Great Hall of the People.
Liu’s hospital has treated 462 confirmed COVID-19 patients, recording a 99.4 percent recovery rate, and no medical workers have been infected. He led the medical team to work out Shenzhen Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment Protocols for COVID-19 Patients in both English and Chinese.
As head of Shenzhen’s ICU expert team in the fight against COVID-19, Feng was the first in China to propose treating severe patients in dedicated facilities by senior medical professionals from all over the country and with all necessary resources. He took the credit for the city’s 7.3 percent mortality rate among severe patients and 16 percent among critical patients.
Ma, who is in charge of entry and exit affairs, was recognized for her outstanding contribution to maintaining public order during the pandemic, preventing cases from being imported from other countries and regions, and realizing zero infections in the police force and prison inmates. She led an emergency response team to check for symptoms of fever and pneumonia among all 4,973 passengers and 1,249 crew on the cruise ship Costa Venezia in February, which returned to Shenzhen after a six-day cruise at sea, and found 414 travelers from Hubei Province.
Zhu was commander-in-chief of BGI’s fight in Wuhan during the pandemic. He went to Wuhan and led his team to build a Huo Yan Laboratory within five days, which has so far tested 730,000 samples. Since April, he has been the key figure in building Huo Yan labs all over the world.
“I feel grateful to receive the award, and proud and honored to join with others in the fight against COVID-19. The meeting is a confirmation and encouragement to medical workers,” Liu said in a phone interview.
Qiaoxiang Community in Xiangmihu Subdistrict realized three “zeros” — zero local transmissions, zero infections and zero fatalities in COVID-19 prevention and control. Its ACT operation mode was praised by the expert team of WHO during the inspection trip in the city.
According to Luo Jiajia, the representative attending the commendation meeting, the ACT mode — Administration, Community and Trio — refers to the trinity mechanism that deploys resources under the administration of the government, professional support of community health centers and a trio team consisting a housing estate employee, a security guard and a government employee at grass-roots levels in implementing quarantine measures.
(Han Ximin)

[Love you]p1 Yesterday,p2 Will there be no lazy pomegranate today who has not participated in stealingLet's fight!!!It's really interesting and exciting, and it can win Xiaoyu a 1w cheer!Ball everyone iDon't lie down!!Work hard and work hard!!!For Yu Shuxin[caught crazy][crazed][crazed][crazed]?

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