Most of the most famous wines in the world are produced in France,and the history of French wine making can be traced back to the Roman Empire.
Human beings have a long history of making wine. In ancient times in the West,wine was a symbol of aristocracy.

2020年8月15日雅思A类(Mainland)写作Task 2: Some scientists believe that studying the behaviour of 3-year-old children can tell which children would grow up to be criminals. To what extent in your opinion is crime a product of human nature or is it possible to stop children from growing up to be criminals?(2005-8-13、2016-12-15A类Task2旧题重考,全新例文如下!)

【200815雅思考题】Some scientists believe that studying the behaviour of 3-year-old children can tell which children would grow up to be criminals. To what extent in your opinion is crime a product of human nature or is it possible to stop children from growing up to be criminals?


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