Will the world be better? It's the question people are questioning all the time. But there is no doubt that this pandemic will be sure to end. Every single one thinks it is, believing that they can grasp some opportunities to become better. Is the latter point true? To those who have rational thinking and can reflect themselves, apparently, it's not always the truth. Because it heavily depends on what you are doing during this period of time. This crisis has a huge impact on everybody. Some of the people have to stop their business, bearing the loss of capital, others suspend their plan to have to acclimatize to the dilemma. All of us have adjusted our minds to live. Some people can adjust good, other people can't. For the former, they never give up, even though this situation makes their plan a terrible downtrend. They just say it's fine to themselves and have a short pause. They are still thinking about and doing efforts. For the latter, they feel anxiety, they feel stress, they upset themselves, they do everything that is useless except cheer them up. It's apparent that which people can become stronger. All I want to say is, believe your efforts and thinking, be calm, and carry on.

If you can't see the future clearly, grasp the present. There is a kind of loneliness. You have the courage to say your own thoughts, but you are laughed at by everyone. A road that only you believe in, only you are a passer-by who is in a hurry, don't care about their views. Because you'll be waiting at the crossroads of the future for someone who used to laugh at you. (养)

The way we tiptoed, stretched out our right hands, and waved in the air in the crowded crowd was reminiscent of the urgency of sinking into the bottom of the water and doing everything we could to grasp the straw. We work so hard, just want to meet a you, hold my hand down, hold my shoulder and sink, look straight at each other, pupil and pupil are two black holes that attract each other, without saying a word, we will attract each other Fall into your own world. Never come out again (养)

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