前几天汀兰先发烧后出疹子 医生开了很苦的药 我浅尝一口都忍不住皱眉头 第一次小嘴巴用力beng着 我问娃怎么叫的啊 “呱”哈哈 药喂进去了 第二次我说娃你吃药了看宝宝(电视)虽说不情愿还是微微张口吃了 第三次 不呱不看电视 就beng嘴不张口 最后看实在没办法了 只好张嘴喝了 看着她乖巧喝药的样子 心里真难受 我娃这么小就这么懂事


1. 2022年9月秋季入学CAS deadline为2022年9月5日。
2. 2023年春季招生依旧火热报名中,春季申请截止时间为2022年12月31日。
3. 大学在2023年春季入学仍认可Duolingo考试成绩
4. 朴次茅斯大学国际学院的最新资讯动态:
BEng (Hons) Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering 机械与制造工程 工学学士(荣誉)
BSc (Hons) Product Design and Innovation 产品设计与创新 理学学士(荣誉)
多邻国录取分数调整为:本科预科 95(95);国际大一&硕士预科 105(95)

BSc (Hons) Interactive Media;
BA (Hons) International Relations;
BA (Hons) International Relations (with a year in industry);
BA (Hons) Italian and Linguistics (with a year abroad);
BA (Hons) Italian and Spanish Language (with a year abroad);
BA (Hons) Linguistics;
BA (Hons) Linguistics with French;
BA (Hons) Linguistics with German;
BA (Hons) Linguistics with Italian;
BA (Hons) Linguistics with Spanish;
BSc (Hons) Marketing;
BSc (Hons) Marketing (with a year in industry);
BSc (Hons) Mathematics;
BSc (Hons) Mathematics (with a year in Europe);
BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Finance;
BA/BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Philosophy;
BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Physics;
BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Physics (with a year in Europe);
BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Statistics;
BSc (Hons) Molecular Cell Biology;
BA (Hons) Music;
BEng (Hons) Music Technology Systems;
BEng (Hons) Music Technology Systems (with a Foundation Year);
BA (Hons) Music and Sound Recording;
BSc (Hons) Natural Sciences specialising in Archaeology, Biology or Environment;
BSc (Hons) Natural Sciences specialising in Biology, Chemistry or Physics;
BSc (Hons) Natural Sciences specialising in Archaeology, Biology, Chemistry or Environment;
BSc (Hons) Natural Sciences specialising in Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics;
BSc (Hons) Natural Sciences specialising in Biophysical Science;
BSc (Hons) Natural Sciences specialising in Nanoscience;
BSc (Hons) Natural Sciences specialising in Mathematical Bioscience;
BSc (Hons) Natural Sciences specialising in Neuroscience;
BA (Hons) Philosophy;
BA (Hons) Philosophy, Politics and Economics;
BA (Hons) Philosophy and Linguistics;
BA (Hons) Philosophy and Politics;
BA (Hons) Philosophy/Sociology;
BSc (Hons) Physics;
BSc (Hons) Physics (with a year abroad);
BSc (Hons) Physics (with a year in industry);
BSc (Hons) Physics with Astrophysics;
BSc (Hons) Physics with Astrophysics (with a year abroad);
BSc (Hons) Physics with Astrophysics (with a year in industry);
BSc (Hons) Physics with Philosophy;
BSc (Hons) Physics with Philosophy (with a year abroad);
BA (Hons) Politics;
BA (Hons) Politics (with a year in industry);
BA (Hons) Politics with International Relations;
BA (Hons) Politics with International Relations (with a year in industry);
BA (Hons) Social Policy;
BA (Hons) Social Policy, Crime and Criminal Justice;
BA (Hons) Social and Political Sciences;
BA (Hons) Social and Political Sciences with Philosophy;
BA (Hons) Sociology;
BA (Hons) Sociology with Criminology;
BA (Hons) Sociology with Social Psychology;
BA (Hons) Sociology/Education;
BA (Hons) Spanish and Linguistics (with a year abroad);
BA (Hons) Theatre: Writing, Directing and Performance;
BSc (Hons) Theoretical Physics;
BSc (Hons) Theoretical Physics (with a year abroad);
BSc (Hons) Accounting, Business Finance and Management。


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