
今天和大家分享几首我们会在家里经常听 非常好听能让时间慢下来的好歌,希望你们喜欢!

Bruno Major

歌词写到:我们在何方 就这样静静呆着,沉溺于夏日的迷茫之中,让我与你相伴,我们能否依旧如花开盛放?我们是否能保持着?

3.Morning Coffee
Chevy / Nalba

4.Head In The Clouds
歌词写到:和你在一起的每一秒 都是那么特别
回首过去 我们不惧怕未知的时光

5. Peter Pan Was Right
Anson Seabra

6.Keep Your Head Up Princess
Anson Seabra



President Tebboune receives French counterpart 2/3

General Saïd Chanegriha receives minister of French Armed Forces

ALGIERS- General Saïd Chanegriha, the chief of Staff of the People's National Army, received in audience Friday, in Algiers, the minister of the French Armed Forces, Sébastien Lecornu, accompanied by General Thierry Burkhard, the chief of French Army Staff, on the sidelines of French President Emmanuel Macron's visit to Algeria, the ministry of National Defense said in a statement.
The welcome ceremony, held at the headquarters of the General Staff of the People's National Army started by a salute to the national flag and military honours to the guest.
The meeting was attended by the secretary general of the ministry of National Defense, the commanders of Army Forces and National Gendarmerie, the general officers of the ministry of National Defense and the General Staff of the People's National Army, in addition to the members of the French military delegation, the statement said.
Welcoming the French delegation, General Saïd Chanegriha said in the meeting that the visit "is a milestone in the process of mutual understanding between the two sides," in line with "the political will of the leaders of the two nations."
Algeria, France agree on founding exceptional partnership based on respect, trust, balance of interests

ALGIERS- President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune said Thursday in Algiers he agreed with French President Emmanuel Macron, who is on an official visit to Algeria, to establish a new direction for the strengthening of bilateral relations, based on a new comprehensive exceptional partnership abiding by the principles of mutual respect and trust and the balance of interests between the two States.
In a joint press declaration, following a meeting with his French counterpart, President Tebboune said: "we discussed together all aspects of bilateral cooperation and the means to enhance it to serve the common interests of our two countries and give a qualitative leap to our relations, in all fields, in line with the new direction we agreed upon.
The new direction is based on "the establishment of a comprehensive exceptional partnership, in accordance with the principles of mutual respect and trust and the balance of interests between the two States," President Tebboune said in a joint press declaration.
President Tebboune expressed his wish that the French president's visit to Algeria may "offer promising prospects for enhancing the exceptional partnership" between the two countries.
He added that the fruitful, "honest" discussions with his French counterpart, showed "the particularity, the depth and diversity of relations between our two countries, in all fields, from the common history and memory to dialogue and coordination in regional and international issues of common interest."

Bilateral meetings between Algerian ministers, French counterparts
ALGIERS- Bilateral meetings were held Thursday evening, at the presidency of the Republic in Algiers, between many Algerian ministers and their French counterparts, on the sidelines of the official visit of President Emmanuel Macron of France to Algeria.

The minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad, Ramtane Lamamra, met with his French counterpart, Catherine Colona, the minister of the Interior, Local Authorities and National Planning, Kamel Beldjoud, met with his counterpart Gerard Darmanin.
In addition, the minister of Finance, Ibrahim Djamel Kessali, the minister of Energy and Mines, Mohamed Arkab, and the minister of Industry, Ahmed Zerghdar, met with the minister of Finance and Economy, Bruno Le Maire, in the presence of the chief executive officer of Sonatrach, Tewfik Hakkar.
The minister of Youth and Sports, Abderrezak Sebgag, met with his counterpart Emilie Castra and the minister of Culture, Soraya Mouloudji, with her counterpart Ryma Abdelmalek.
Earlier, the president of the Republic had one-on-one discussions with his French counterpart, a meeting that later expanded to the members of the delegations of the two countries.

Algeria-France: Stepping up bilateral cooperation in several fields
ALGIERS- President Emmanuel Macron of France, on an official visit to Algeria, has stressed the opportunity of the two countries to cooperate in several sectors, mainly the economic, the cultural and the scientific fields.
"We want to move forward in our industry, our research, our hydrocarbons and our rare metals and in innovation topics, about which we wish to get faster and stronger," Macron said in a joint press declaration with President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune, following their discussions.
He also insisted on two cooperation sectors between the two countries, namely the digital field and movie creation, in which "many dual nationals are talented."

Macron expressed his country's willingness to develop with Algeria a start-up incubator project, involving "support in the private sector connected with other incubators."

This new partnership, the French president added, should integrate cooperation projects in the academic and scientific fields.
He also mentioned a future cooperation between Pasteur Institute Algeria and the French Centre of Scientific Research (CNRS), describing it as "essential in the face of the challenges of tomorrow," in terms of both pandemics and climate challenge.

Algeria-France: Common desire to enhance exceptional partnership
ALGIERS- Algeria and France agreed Thursday, on the occasion of French President Emmanuel Macron's official visit to Algeria, on the need to boost bilateral cooperation and strengthen partnership between the two countries in the economic, cultural and scientific fields, in line with the principles of mutual respect and trust and the balance of interests.
President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune, following discussions with his French counterpart, said the two leaders "tackled all aspects of bilateral cooperation and the means to enhance it to serve the common interests of our two countries and give a qualitative leap to our relations, in all fields, in line with the new direction we agreed upon.
A direction based on "the establishment of a comprehensive exceptional partnership, in accordance with the principles of mutual respect and trust and the balance of interests between the two countries," President Tebboune said in a joint press declaration.
The two sides, he said, renewed "their determination to go forward and intensify their efforts to boost bilateral relations following well-studied practical steps and a specific timetable for the activation of cooperation mechanisms and the strengthening of positive dynamics ahead of the next bilateral meetings."
President Macron underlined the opportunity for the two countries to cooperate in several sectors, mainly the economic, the cultural and the scientific fields.

"We want to move forward in our industry, our research, our hydrocarbons and our rare metals and in innovation topics, about which we wish to get faster and stronger," Macron said in a joint press declaration with President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune, following their discussions.
He also insisted on two cooperation sectors between the two countries, namely the digital field and movie creation, in which "many dual nationals are talented."
Macron expressed his country's willingness to develop with Algeria a start-up incubator project, involving "support in the private sector connected with other incubators."
This new partnership, the French president added, should integrate cooperation projects in the academic and scientific fields.
He also mentioned a future cooperation between Pasteur Institute Algeria and the French Centre of Scientific Research (CNRS), describing it as "essential in the face of the challenges of tomorrow," in terms of both pandemics and climate challenge.

#上虎扑搜国际足球资讯# 【UOL:曼联坚持要安东尼,内部考虑第四次报价提价至1亿欧元】根据巴西环球体育记者Bruno Andrade的最新报道,虽然三份报价已经被拒绝(最后一份是9000万欧元),但曼联仍然决心将安东尼从阿贾克斯带走。


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