Dr. Herbert Benson, a pioneer in mind/ body medicine and author of The Relaxation Response, says that the repetitive action of needlework can induce a relaxed state like that associated with meditation and yoga.身心医学研究领域的先驱、《放松反应》的作者赫伯特.本森博士称,动作重复的针线活能像冥想和瑜伽那样使人进入放松状态。
and author of The Relaxalion Response,
a pioneer in mind/body medicine是Dr. Herbert Benson的同位语

主干句([Dr. Herbert Benson...says)(主+谓+宾从)
that the repetitive action of needlework can induce a relaxed state

like that associated with meditation and yoga.介词短语作后置定语,修饰state

1.pioneer'[ ,palo'nuo(r)] n.先驱;先锋D.当开拓者;倡导[记] pioneering a. 开拓性的[例]a computer pioneer计算机方面的先驱
2.induce* [ In'dju;s] o. 引起;导致;劝说[例]a drug-induce coma药物引起的昏迷状态
3.associated [ a'sufiertd] a. 有关联的;联合的[词组]be associated with... ......联系在- -起[例]the risks associated with taking drugs与吸毒有关的危险
4.Meditation [ med'terfn] n.冥想;沉思[记]meditate u冥想;沉思;谋划[例]He was deep in meditation and didn't see me come in. 他在沉思,没有看见我进来。

【美国第一例新冠死亡病例尸检报告公布 死者心脏破裂】The earliest recorded death from COVID-19 in the U.S. resulted from a cardiac rupture caused by coronavirus infection, an autopsy report obtained by the San Francisco Chronicle showed.
The 57-year-old Santa Clara woman, whose death from COVID-19 is the earliest known in the U.S. so far, died on Feb. 6 and had reported flu-like symptoms in the days leading up to her death. While she had a mildly enlarged heart, she had no coronary heart disease or blot clots that would have triggered a heart attack, the report revealed.
The autopsy, performed by medical examiner Dr Susan Parson, found evidence of a COVID-19 viral infection in her heart, trachea, lungs and intestines. The autopsy was completed on Feb. 7 but not signed until April 23.
"There is something abnormal about the fact that a perfectly normal heart has burst open," forensic pathologist Dr. Judy Melinek, who did not participate in the autopsy but read the report at the request of the Chronicle said, adding that normal hearts don't usually rupture.
Before this week, it was believed that the country's first death from COVID-19 came on Feb. 28 in Washington state.
However, this woman's death suggests that the coronavirus was silently spreading around the nation earlier than health experts initially thought.

【#美国已知首例新冠肺炎死者尸检报告#公布: 57岁加州女子的死因是新冠肺炎引起的心脏破裂 其心脏、气管、肺部和肠道都存在病毒感染】据《旧金山纪事报》,尸检报告显示,这名来自圣克拉拉县的女子是美国最早记录的新冠肺炎死亡病例,看过尸检报告的一名法医病理学家表示,“死者本来正常的心脏突然破裂是有些反常的。"The earliest recorded death from COVID-19 in the U.S. resulted from a cardiac rupture caused by coronavirus infection, an autopsy report obtained by the San Francisco Chronicle showed. The 57-year-old Santa Clara woman, whose death from COVID-19 is the earliest known in the U.S. so far, died on February 6 and had reported flu-like symptoms in the days leading up to her death. While she had a mildly enlarged heart, she had no coronary heart disease or blood clots that would have triggered a heart attack, the report revealed. The autopsy, performed by medical examiner Dr Susan Parson, found evidence of a COVID-19 viral infection in her heart, trachea, lungs and intestines. "There is something abnormal about the fact that a perfectly normal heart has burst open," forensic pathologist Dr Judy Melinek, who did not participate in the autopsy but read the report at the request of the Chronicle said, adding that normal hearts don't usually rupture.

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