#englishthrureading# Learning English through Reading
Qianlong dynasty vase found in kitchen could be worth up to $186,000

Avase kept in a kitchen in England could sell for £150,000 ($186,000) after it was revealed to be a rare 18th century Chinese artifact which was created for the Qianlong Emperor.
The vase was purchased by a surgeon in the 1980s for a few hundred pounds, according to UK-based auction house Dreweatts, which is handling the sale later this month. The surgeon later passed it onto his son who, not realizing its value, kept it in the kitchen.
Standing at two feet tall with a striking palette of gold and silver against a vivid blue background, the vase carries the distinctive six-character mark of the Qianlong period (1736-1795) on its base, Dreweatts, in Berkshire, southern England, said in a press release.

传播正能量是一份积极的心态,可以让不良情绪释放干净,使自己的内心充满自信、豁达、愉悦、进取;使别人感到暖和、温馨、亲切、友善;使社会和国家团结、正义、文明、和谐。 ​[加油]

You will never be truly happy if you continuously hold onto the things that make you sad——若总是抓着悲伤不肯放手,那你永远也不会真正地快乐。 ​​​

What’s the most painful thing you’ve been met?
Maybe to have something to say that someone else doesn’t believe.
You are trying to convey that belief onto them, but it just doesn’t add up.
And it’s changed my life for the worse, but it always proves itself to be true.
So I understand that there’s more to life.

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